Eat to thrive!
Erika Pharand, RD., Dietitian-Nutritionist

My name is Erika Pharand and I’m a Dietitian-Nutritionist in private practice. I am a graduate of the University of Ottawa and a member of the Order of Dietitians-Nutritionists of Quebec (ODNQ), the College of Dietitians of Ontario (CDO) and Dietitians of Canada (DC), as well as a certified personal trainer.
Nutrition is a complex field, where there are many nuances, and each individual has their own particularities. My practice reflects who I am: dedicated, practical, and passionate.
I offer a professional, bilingual nutrition consulting service. My mission is to guide you, support you, enrich your knowledge, equip you, motivate you and coach you, whatever your goal. My goal is to help you find personalized solutions tailored to your needs, to ensure long-term, sustainable success.
Professional Nutrition Services


Meal plan

Nutritional follow-up